5 best free captcha plugins for WordPress site



5 best free captcha plugins for WordPress site


Are you looking for a free captcha plugins for your WordPress site? You might know that there are multiple times when spam registrations and comments get added on your WordPress site. Even I get comments on my blog post which is totally not related to the post that I have written. You would be looking for ways on how you can protect your content on your WordPress site. Even though the comments or registrations are not added by real users you might get really annoyed. As the admin of the site, you will be getting notifications about new comments or new users registered on your site. In this article, I will mention some of the best free captcha plugins that you can install on your site. You can easily install the plugins on your WordPress site and configure it without any hassle. So, let’s dive in and know which are the “Best free captcha plugins for WordPress.”


What is CAPTCHA?


The full meaning of CAPTCHA is  “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. A Captcha is used on many websites to determine the difference between a user or a robot. In short, it distinguishes whether the user is human or not. Today captcha can be found and used on millions of websites. Using captcha you can stop users trying to send bulk email bombing through registrations or through spam comments.


Here are some of the best free captcha plugins which you can use for your WordPress site. (Note: Some of the plugins have a pro version and you need to purchase them separately to unlock advanced features.)


Captcha by BestWebSoft – https://wordpress.org/plugins/captcha-bws/


If you are looking to secure your website through spam attacks or email bombing then  Captcha by BestWebSoft is the right choice for you. Captcha by BestWebSoft is a free captcha plugin for your WordPress site. It protects your site from spam attacks that can access through various forms. You can enable the captcha on WordPress login/register forms, comments forms and many more. Moreover, with the pro version, you can enable captcha on third party forms as well. The plugin is compatible with bbpress, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, JetPack, and wpForo plugins. You can change the captcha type based on  Arithmetic actions, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or Invisible option. This free captcha plugin gives you the option to write custom code on the backend of the plugin settings. You can add both custom CSS or add a new conditional PHP code as per your requirements.


Really Simple Captcha – https://wordpress.org/plugins/really-simple-captcha/


Really Simple Captcha as the name suggests is a simple captcha plugin that you can use on your WordPress site. This captcha plugin is free on WordPress and has more than 800,000 downloads. The plugin is easy to use and you can easily configure it on your site. Furthermore, the plugin is perfect for small scale business sites or bloggers. It was originally created for Contact form 7 plugin, therefore, the developer for both the plugins is the same person.


Limit Login Attempts – https://wordpress.org/plugins/miniorange-limit-login-attempts/


Limit Login Attempts is a login protection plugin from site hacks and malware. This plugin enables the option from login security, brute force login attacks and Blocks IPs who try to login to your site. When activating the plugin you can find a post type on your WordPress admin panel. You will need to verify the email address once they send in the OTP on your email address. Once you verify you can find the settings which you can easily configure on your site backend. You can limit login attempts as to how many attempts a user can attempt while logging to your site. Furthermore, you can block the user for a specific time period. This plugin also server as a free captcha plugin for your WordPress site. You can enable Google reCaptcha during the login/register of your site. You can enable the captcha on various forms like Comments form, BuddyPress forms, and Email Subscription forms. Additionally, you can change the URL for accessing the WordPress admin backend. You can change it from wp-admin/wp-login to a different slug of your choice. Finally, with this plugin, you can manage IP blocking or whitelist based on the IP that you or your server has added.


Captcha Booster – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-captcha-booster/


Captcha Booster is one of the most advanced free captcha plugins which you can use for your WordPress site. If you are running a small blogging site then this is the right captcha plugin. Though this plugin is free to download on WordPress, it has immense features that you can use on your site. The plugin also has a pro version that can unlock some advanced features. Activating the plugin would create a new post type on your WordPress admin panel. You can choose either Text Captcha or Logical Captcha as the Captcha type. It has some advanced security settings like IP blocking based on IP addresses or IP Ranges. You can block the IPs for a specific period of time and also limit attempts in a day. With the pro version, you can filter the blocked IP addresses according to the start date and end date. If you want to go for some advanced security feature you can also block IP address based on country which is available in the pro version. With the pro version, you can unlock some of the premium features for your captcha settings. You can change the Email templates, Error messages and assign Roles & Capabilities to whom the Captcha booster menu to be shown.  


Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha – https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha/


Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha is easy to use and free captcha plugin for WordPress. The plugin has many great features that you can use on your WordPress site. You can choose the v2 invisible or v3 of the captcha version. The plugin is easy to use and you can integrate the captcha on various forms. Some of the integrations can be seen on Comment forms, Contact Form  7, Login/Register forms. It is also compatible with third-party plugins like bbPress & BuddyPress. If you are running an online store then you can use the plugin with Woocommerce. You can add captcha error messages and for advanced security, you can also limit failed attempts. It also detects the language of your WordPress site and shows the Captcha according to the language that you have selected on the site backend. Finally, if you need to hide the Captcha for logged in users then you can also change the settings from your WordPress backend.


Final Thoughts on “Best free captcha plugins for WordPress


In conclusion, I have listed some of the best free captcha plugins which you can use on your WordPress site. You can find many other free captcha plugins but they can either be used only contact forms or login/register forms. Apart from using captcha plugins, I would recommend best security plugins to secure your WordPress site. The plugins that I have mentioned can be multipurpose which means you can use it with some of the other third-party plugins as well. Furthermore, you can always try to use the plugins which get regular updates on WordPress and compatible with your theme and plugin.

Now, over to you, Did I miss any of your favorite plugins? 

Do you think just adding a captcha plugin would secure your site with spam attacks? 

Let me know your thoughts and comments below. Thanks for taking your time in reading this post. 

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Have a great day, Take care 🙂

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