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@milana_cap @atachibana @sagargurnani @anandau14 @sumitsingh @vishal4669 @voboghure @cold-iron-chef @estelaris (async) @mobarak (async)
Housekeeping Where: #docs channel on Slack When: Tuesday, July 08, 2024, at 14:00 UTC Meeting Facilitator: @anandau14 Note Taker: @sagargurnani
Find the complete Transcript of the meeting on Slack.
Upcoming Meeting Where: #docs channel on Slack When: Docs Team Meeting July 16, 2024 at 14:00 UTC Meeting facilitator: @leonnugraha Note taker: @sagargurnani Upcoming Triage Meeting: Docs Team Triage May 14, 2024 at 14:00 UTC Upcoming Triage Facilitators: @milana_cap Project Checks
@vishal4669 had completed his first contribution for this issue: #1609 which is currently under review.
@milana_cap has been busy spending her time on WP-CLI article for Core Dev Blog.
@atachibana has reviewed
This is the first part of the article