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This meeting followed this meeting agenda in GitHub. You can see conversations from the meeting in this Slack Log. (If you don’t have a Slack account, you can set one up.)
Introductions and Welcome
There were 22 attendees: @digitalchild, @piyopiyofox, @westnz, @shalomt, @lada7042, @noruzzaman, @webcreativeng, @jagirbahesh, @dhaval59, @zeelthakkar, @rithika3, @nishitajoshi, @darshanprajapat9, @rinkuiihglobal, @chauhanraj754, @rfluethi (async), @devmuhib (async), @cnormandigital (async), @ironnysh (async), @zoonini (async),@quitevisible (async), @vanpariyar (async)
I’d also like to welcome all the new contributors who joined the Training Team’s Slack channel in the last week: @zainabbas056 @sandy-wcmp @shalomt @jeherve @davidmutero @dapobabarinde @nikov
News Meeting Note Takers
Here is our current note taker roster.
August 8 – @dhaval59 August 15 – @zeelthakkar August 22 – @noruzzaman August 29 –
This is the first part of the article